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Writer's pictureShantanu Panigrahi


CPS Communication CRN000141775


Shantanu Panigrahi <>

To:South East VRR and Complaints

Mon, 15 Mar at 09:19

Dear Crown Prosecution Service

I have just written to the Financial Ombudsman on the Santander Bank Account fraudelent embezzlement of the funds of The Conservative Libertarian Society of which I am currently the President, and pending the resolution of this matter, wish to draw your attention to the following enquiries that I have submitted: ToEmma(; F76Certifying a Place of Meeting for Worship Registration Act 1855.pdf; and if-you-disagree-with-decision-made-by-dwp-3(d).PDF.

If I hear anything further from the authorities, I will of course bring those emanating facts to the attention of the Crown Prosecution Service, in light of the continuing uncertain future that I am experiencing with regard to my Citizenship of the United Kingdom and the use of my British passport that I have in my possession as I write to go for our planned holidays in Portugal, Cyprus and India during the next 12 months.

I thank you whole-heartedly for the support that you are providing me with this prosecution, as I cannot I have determined conduct the prosecution as a private prosecutor with no training in any legal matter, and so as a layman.

I would however endeavour to remain an Associate Informer of the Law Enforcement authorities centralised in the institution of the Crown Prosecution Service, following the failure of Bexhill Magistrates Court to respond to the message that I inserted through my Account on the present state of the private prosecution that I have attempted over a number of years; this following the lack of Judgement from HIs Honour HHJ Parfitt of the Central London County Court on the present moment disposal of my Claim E35YM660 at the Central London County Court, Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London WC2A 2LL. If your information in this regard varies to mine in assessment of what Law Enforcement measures are in the process of enactment on me for or against my activities in the United Kingdom over the past 23 years, I look forward to your Summary of your findings as appropriate.

Thank you

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

Tel: 07967789619

On Thursday, 11 March 2021, 14:16:19 GMT, South East VRR and Complaints <> wrote:

Dear Dr Shantanu Panigrahi,

Thank you for your further email.

It may assist if I explain that the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) and the police are separate authorities. The CPS is responsible for reviewing and, where appropriate, prosecuting most criminal cases in England and Wales following an investigation by the police. The CPS is also responsible for providing legal advice to the police about cases, although we cannot provide legal advice to members of the public.

The CPS is not an investigative body and has no power to investigate allegations of crime. It is for the police to decide whether or not, or how, they will investigate an allegation that is referred to them. Following an investigation, the police may decide to take no further action. The CPS has no power to direct them or to insist that a file of evidence is referred to us.

I note your concerns about the police, although I cannot comment on them. If you wish to complain about the police you should contact the complaints and discipline department of the police force concerned. You can also write to the Independent Office for Police Conduct (the IOPC), formerly the Independent Police Complaints Commission. You can reach the IOPC at:

• Website:

• Email:

• Telephone: 0300 020 0096 (press 2 at prompt)

I can confirm that we have still been unable to locate the case on our system and therefore it is not clear whether the CPS has had any involvement in this matter. If you believe that the CPS has been involved in the case, we would need the Unique Reference Number (URN), which can be obtained from the police, to assist us to locate it on our system. Here is an example of what a URN looks like: 01/MP/12341/07.

Kind regards,

Victim Liaison Team

South East | Crown Prosecution Service

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-----Original Message-----

From: Shantanu Panigrahi <>

Sent: 05 March 2021 08:30

To: South East VRR and Complaints <>

Subject: CPS Communication CRN00014177

Dear Sir

1. Is there any progress in the consideration of this matter for I received another one of the Cyber Crime emails over night from my own gmail account to itself. So the hackers have not given up despite the attempts that I have made to issue Summons on the seemingly fictitious organisation who since September 2017 have sent me nearly a thousand bullying, trolling, harassing and intimidatory emails such as the one I have referred here, and all attempts over this period to have Kent Police who Action Fraud appoingted Detective Helen Smithers to investigate, and despite my score of emails and Incident Numbers allocated to me over a period of 15 years to Kent Police as monitored by the Independent Office for Police Complaints with its own Reference Numbers issued to me, have ammounted to nothing. I still do not have online access to my £8000 held in Santander Bank after speaking to Colette at the Santander Bank nearly 10 days ago about this particular embezzlement of funds that Action Fraud and Kent Police (are these two insititutions under each other, please clarify).

2. I hope to receive an email from you today to update me as this matter progresses, identifying the following information:

The place(s) where the offence(s) occurred;

The police force investigating the allegations;

The nature of the offence(s);

The date(s) of the offence(s); and

The name of the court dealing with the case.

3. I am a the General Secretary and Associate-Informer of the Law Enforcement authorities of the United Kingdom and monitoring the procedures of Law Enforcement through my own version of non-intrusive, restraintful, and respectful vigilante objectives in our Party here: I expect to be standing as a candidate in the Medway Towns for election as Police and Crime Commissioner in May this year, so your report is vital for my canvassing purposes.

4. For further details please contact His Honour HHJ Parfitt at the following address for an update on E35YM660 proceedings.

County Court at Central London, Royal Courts of Justice

Thomas More Building

Royal Courts of Justice




County Court location code: 372

DX: 44453 Strand

Court open: Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm

Court counter open: By Appointment only on 0207 947 7502




5. I would be grateful for a reply, only if this request is in order and not against the law.

Thank you.

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

Tel: 07967789619


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F76Certifying a Place of Meeting for Worship Registration Act 1855.pdf





CPS Communication CRN000141775


South East VRR and Complaints <>

To:Shantanu Panigrahi

Mon, 15 Mar at 09:20

Thank you for contacting the South East Area of the Crown Prosecution Service.

The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) is the main prosecuting authority in England and Wales. The CPS has 14 Areas across the country, each headed by a Chief Crown Prosecutor and the South East Area is responsible for prosecuting cases in Kent, Surrey and Sussex only.

Please note that if you have previously been advised that the CPS cannot provide assistance to you and your query does not raise any new issues, we will not be able to provide any further response.

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