[Request received] Re: Injunction to Prevent Kent Police's Investigation of an alleged offence by me
Bark.com <team@bark.com>
Shantanu Panigrahi
Sun, 10 Apr at 06:56
Chanel (Bark.com)
10 Apr 2022, 06:56 BST
Hi Shantanu,
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Shantanu Panigrahi
9 Apr 2022, 08:22 BST
Dear Bark.com
Thank you for this email.
The Court Officer at Medway County Court has confirmed receipt of the Injunction documents filed by me because Jonathon Hodge was not doing so and he later confirmed this by email: see attached: FrCourtOfficer(MedwayCountyCourt_InjunctionagainstKentPolice)7Apr2022.docs; FrJonathonHodge(CanthelpwithInjunction)8Apr2022.doc. You will know that Jonathon Hodge was appointed by Johns Law Partners to undertake this task and submitted volumes of documents as well as an extensive telephone conversation but seems too busy with other clients now.
The Injunction n16a-engInjunctionagainstKentPolice.pdf material is also attached.
Please let me know if there are any lawyers/solicitors who can take over from Jonathon Hodge in progressing this Injunction as Kent Police has not replied to my wife's letter as attached: Rashmi Panigrahi-Kent Police.docs.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619
Rashmi Panigrahi- Kent Police.docx
Shantanu Panigrahi
2 Apr 2022, 06:58 BST
Dear Chanel
I received a very insulting email concerning this situation: See ToAnonymousccICCUNNorway(MisterJonathonBodge)1Apr2022.docs but the matter seems to be in hand: FrCCMCC(injunctionProceedingsagainstKentPolice)1Apr2022.
I believe Jonathon Hodge of Nexa Law has the matter covered. Please check with him to see if he is acting for me as communiated here ToJonathonHodge(NexaLaw(Proposed Civil Claim against the Police)25Mar2022.docx.
Just to be on the safe side I will seek other Solicitors and Law Firms through Bark.
Kent Police cannot get away with this scot-free.
Kindly update my records accordingly
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619
ToAnonymousccICCUNNorway(Mister Jonathon Bodge)2Apr2022.docx
ToJonathonHidge(NexaLaw(Proposed civil claim against the Police)25Mar2022.docx
Chanel (Bark.com)
2 Apr 2022, 05:12 BST
Hi Shantanu,
Thanks for your email.
It looks like you’re trying to reply to a professional who responded to the request you placed on Bark.
We sent you their details via email, but if you’ve misplaced them you can log in to your account and speak with them directly here: https://www.bark.com/login/
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If you need any further assistance, then do let us know.
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The Bark Team
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Shantanu Panigrahi
1 Apr 2022, 12:32 BST
Dear NIc
I have been let down, over the years by nearly 50 Solicitors/Law Firms (including the Citizens Advice Bureau) as you will note from the inaction of Jonathon Hodge of Nexa Law in relation to this Injunction matter: ToJonathonHodge(NexaLaw(PropoedCivilActionagainstthePolice25Mar2022.docs. With the inaction and refund of the Consultation Fee that I Paid Slater and Gordon of £150 for the same matter as well as adjoining criminal activities of BP in relation to the document that I brought to the attention of the District Judge at Medway County Court see (To|MedwayCountyCouirt(InjunctiontoPreventKentPoliceInvestigationBP).docx and ToMedwayCountyCourt(DistrictJudgeInjunction)1Apr2022, I am unprepresented (unless these lawyers that I am copying this email to come up with better proposals) and do not wish to consult a new lawyer especially after Salmaan Islam of NorthFordsolicitors also said that he cannot help me without having to pay exorbitant sums of money for barristers and even Queens Council.
I would therefore have to do the best I can myself as a layman in legal matters and so plead upon the Court to forgive me if I go wrong with the procedures of the Court while I take out this injunction with the Court's approval that you have issued here.
I have roughly £1300 now in total of savings in my personal Bank Accounts, and the £1000 roughly of the occupational pension that I receive from my work for the Natural Resources Institute from 1979-1998 is entirely given over to my wife for household maintenance purposes. So please let me know if this would qualify me for Fee Exemption in total for the £332 Court Fee that you require from me and also let me know if I do need to submit N1 Claim Form at the same time.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619
On Friday, 1 April 2022, 11:36:35 BST, Medway County, Enquiries <enquiries.medway.countycourt@justice.gov.uk> wrote:
Good Morning,
Unfortunately, the Court cannot accept this as an application in its current informal format. You should seek legal advice in regards to filing this particular claim to make sure it is set out correctly and contains the correct evidence so that a Judge can make proper directions. The fee to issue this will be £332.
Kind Regards,
Civil Section - Medway County Court
Medway County and Family Court, 9-11 The Brook, Chatham, ME4 4JZ
Phone:01634 887900
Web: www.gov.uk/hmcts
For Information regarding COVID-19 and HMCTS, please click here: COVID-19
For information on how HMCTS uses personal data about you please see: https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/hm-courts-and-tribunals-service/about/personal-information-charter
From: Shantanu Panigrahi <shantanupanigrahi@yahoo.com>
Sent: 31 March 2022 11:22
To: Medway County, Enquiries <enquiries.medway.countycourt@justice.gov.uk>
Subject: Injunction to Prevent Kent Police's Investigation of an alleged offence by me
The Court Manager
Medway County Court
Kent ME4
Dear Sir/Madam
1. With this email, I am applying to a District Judge at the Medway County Court to grant me an immediate injunction to prevent Kent Police to continue to investigate me for an allegation that has not been explained to me in any way shape or form in its substance, nor on who made the allegation against me; and despite extensive investigative procedures that I undertook since 15 September 2021 when I was first questioned by Kent Police on the matter till the Voice Mail message that I left for Mr Jonathon Hodge of Nexa Law this morning after sending the attached email to Slater and Gordon Solicitors and Law Bodies, there has been no outcome to the proceedings: NorthKentPoliceReleasewithoutBail.pdf; ToSlater&GordonccSRAJonathonHodge,JohnsLawLegalOmbudsman31March2022.
2. Please let me know the Court Fee that is required to be paid by me for the consideration of the Injunction that I have applied for and the Courts or HMCTS's Bank Account details (Account Number/Sort Code) for the bank transfer of the Court Fee immediately.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619
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ToJonathonHidge(NexaLaw(Proposed civil claim against the Police)25Mar2022.docx
ToMedwayCountyCourt(Injunction to Prevent Kent Police's InvestigationBP)31Mar2022.docx