Medical Certificate from Dr Farid Latif
Shantanu Panigrahi <>
Cc: BPRetailJobs,
Mon, 14 Feb at 14:16
Dr Shah
Long Catlis Road Surgery
At 1.05 pm today I telephoned the Long Catlis Road Surgery to check on the progress of my Medical Certificate being dealt with by Dr Farid Latif, and mentioned that my knee and heel problem arising from the injuries I sustained during 31 December 2022 to present day had worsened and I could not drive the car in comfort at 12.05 pm today. This has prolonged my depression especially in light of the fact that my employers have not responded to the attached correspondence despite half a dozen phone calls I made and the WhatsApp messages that I sent to the Manager Chiran Rai concerning the sick note and my entitlement to statutory sick pay. The Sick Note supplied by the Surgery is attached: SickNoteKneeHeelInjury.pdf; LongCatSurgeryMedications10Feb202215_15pm.pdf.
I asked the receptionist whether the Review Date of my conditions is still set at July 2022, and she said that I should ask the Doctor on Thursday when my sick note of 10-17 February runs out. I asked if the results of the Blood test that I had given a sample for last week are now available for discussion, and she said that the results are not available. As for my urination and defaecation issues to do with the Tansulosin and Finasteride medications, there is a Hospital appointment on 4 May 2022 at 14.10 hours at Medway Maritime Hospital with Mr TRBhat. The receptionisit fixed me an appointment at the Surgery for ECG (Electrocardiogram) at 2.30 pm Friday the 18th of February.
I had discussed with Dr Mwanche that I needed to be referred to a knee and heel injury Specialist during our last telephone conversation but he said that in his opinion it is a soft-tissue injury so such a referral is not appropriate at this time especially in view of the long waiting list the such appointments. I feel that this response is not satisfactory in view of the continuing pain that I am suffering from now.
The receptionist asked me to enter my request for Specialist Mental and Physical Health state through eConsult, but when I logged into Long Catlis Road Surgery Kent site, inspite of the clear message displayed for viewers that eConsult is only available during Mondays and Fridays between 8.00 am and 4.00 pm, the facility did not spring up on activating the request for consultation button.
I am therefore sending you this email so that you can urge Dr Farid Latif to speed up the Medical Certificate incorporating these details and let me have a copy before 18 February 2022 when I shall come into the Surgery to have my ECG done.
Thank you for dealing with this request with the urgency that is appropriate.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619
Download all attachments as a zip file
SickNoteKneeHeelInjury.pdf 1.4MB
LongCatSurgeryMedications10Feb202215_15pm .pdf 788.4kB