FW: Failure to Get an Injunction to Stop Kent Police Investigating me for Offences Unknown3
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From: Shantanu Panigrahi <shantanupanigrahi@yahoo.com>
Sent: 02 April 2022 09:35
To: Enquiries Kent <enquiries@kent.police.uk>; PSD Complaints Kent <psd.complaints@kent.police.uk>; Paul Nichols PC 46015002 <paul.nichols2@kent.police.uk>; northkent <northkent@justice.gov.uk>; QB Judges Listing Office <QBJudgesListingOffice@Justice.gov.uk>; Medway County, Enquiries <enquiries.medway.countycourt@justice.gov.uk>; PCC Correspondence Kent <contactyourpcc@kent.police.uk>; Ccmcc Customer Enquiries <ccmcccustomerenquiries@Justice.gov.uk>; otp.informationdesk@icc-cpi.int; Central London DJSKEL <centrallondondjskel@Justice.gov.uk>; Civil Appeals - Registry <civilappeals.registry@justice.gov.uk>; eastkentmc <eastkentmc@Justice.gov.uk>; CPSContact <cpscontact@cps.gov.uk>; enquiries@policeconduct.gov.uk; CATLIS Long (LONG CATLIS ROAD SURGERY) <long.catlis@nhs.net>; delun@mfa.no
Cc: Panigrahi Rashmi <rashmipanigrahi2000@yahoo.co.uk>; ravi.patel@governmentlegal.gov.uk
Subject: Failure to Get an Injunction to Stop Kent Police Investgating me for Offences Unknown
The Judicial and Law Enforcement Authorities of the United Kingdom
Dear Sirs
Despite my continuous efforts since 15 September 2021 since I was first interrogated by Kent Police and I protested my innocence with regards to the Katrina Sale Harassment by emails affair but with the subsequent arrest of me and the issue of a document NorthKentPoliceReleasewithoutBail.pdf I have failed to obtain an unofficial or an official iInjunction to prevent Kent Police intruding into my privacy, as attached ToMedwayCountyCourtccCCMCCFreshClaimKentPolice1Apr2022.docx.
So be it. The Police may have grounds to continue with its investigation of me for whatever offences I am deemed to have committed in relation to the document in which you will note that it clearly States: 'Alleged Offence: Other - Not Listed - PNC Recordable OIC PC OIC PC 46 15002 Nicholls'.
I would of course deny that any offences by me ever took place in reality and since 6 months has passed by with no sign of any progress in the police's investigation of this matter that I am aware of, I would like to have a copy of the materials recorded at the two interviews that were held, the first on 15 September 2021, and the next one on 24 November 2021, so that I may be able to discuss it with Hyda my appointed Duty Solicitor at Medway Police Station Pursers Way for defence in court proceedings that Kent Police could embark upon at some time in the future and in regard to which I fully accept that this is the correct way to proceed now that I have exhausted all legal resistance to this investigation by Kent Police.
Unless the Duty Solicitor accompanies me in Court following my consultations with her I will be unrepresented in any criminal proceedings and will attend the Magistrates Court at Medway Magistrates Court on my own because it is closer to my house and I am paranoid schizophrenic with persistent delusional disorders that the doctors prescribe Risperidone, Sertraline and Depakote (anti-psychotic, anti-depressant and mood-stabilising medications respectively) for. You have my consent to approach Dr Sondhi with whom I discussed my diagnosis and treatment a few days ago. He is based as a locum doctor at Long Catlis Road Surgery, Parkwood, Rainham.
I have included the Queen's Bench Judges Listing Office, North Kent Magistrates Court, Medway County Court, the CCMCC and the International Criminal Court as well as the Security Council through the Norway Membership so that they may consider the developments and add any comments to the proceedings.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619
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ToMedwayCountyCourtccCCMCCFreshClaimKentPolice1Apr2022.docx 18.3kB
NorthKentPoliceReleasewithoutBail.pdf 1.2MB