Shantanu Panigrahi <shantanupanigrahi@yahoo.com>
Salmaan Islam - North Ford Solicitors
Wed, 23 Mar at 13:22
Dear Salmaan
I was waiting to see if I would hear from Slater and Gordon or this fellow by the name of John (very disreputable as it turned out) before responding to your email.
I did not wish to keep you guessing or on tenterhooks as to my situation and being a religious person I owe it to my Sampradaya to clearly state what I am considering so that you can take it aboard and advise me as to the correct course of action.
My Vishista-advaita Sampradaya does not believe in attacking or defending but merely truth-accommodating for which we constantly seek the truth of the Reality that confronts us. We accept the status quo and we do not second guess what others may have in mind in terms of their own preoccupations.
Whilst I am dissatisfied that the State through its various institutions have been unjust to me classifying me as paranoid schizophrenic with persistent delusional disorders (See CAREPLaNDrOdesanya13September2021.pdf;MedCertDrMwanche29Nov2021b.pdf and S_PanigrahiDiagnosisTreatmentbyDrLatif16Feb2022.pdf), the defamation and terrorism mounted on me over these 24 years for living a religious life is but to be expected and I have paid a high financial price for it, such as the £55,000 that the University of Greenwich still owes me from 1998 when I was dismissed from
Service, and the £4170 that District Judge Lightman Ordered me to pay the Cabinet Office for suggesting that the State was wrong in what it did to me for which I felt persecuted.
There are in other words no avenues open to me to convince any judge in the United Kingdom that I have a Case still for I do not live to material gains so justice in the samsara is pointless to. I live to spiritual gains alone.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
United Kingdom
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On Wednesday, 23 March 2022, 09:25:58 GMT, Salmaan Islam - North Ford Solicitors <si@northfordsolicitors.com> wrote:
Dear Shantanu,
Thank you for your email. I called you this morning but was unable to speak with you.
Firstly, I do not know of the Solicitor named John who contacted you. Any communications you have with another Solicitors Firm is completely separate from our Firm, and therefore, I cannot comment upon this.
Secondly, your instructions were that you wish to pursue an action against the Police. I have already advised you at great length as to how our Firm can assist you. Please review my previous emails for clarity on the same. If you do wish to instruct our Firm, please follow the instructions that I previously provided to you in my initial advice email.
Kind regards,
Mr Salmaan Islam
DX: 138127 Romford 4
Tel: 01708 745 609 | Fax: 01708 609 180
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From: Shantanu Panigrahi <shantanupanigrahi@yahoo.com>
Sent: 22 March 2022 23:06
To: Salmaan Islam - North Ford Solicitors <si@northfordsolicitors.com>
Dear Salman
I had a text from John (another Solicitor Firm through Bark) as follows: 'This is John, as we discussed I requested my partner specialised litigation and waiting for the response. As soon as he confirms to accept the engagement I will send confirmation email'.
I replied to this text as follows: 'I would like a solicitor to negotiate with Kent Police for a quick settlement. I telephoned Kent Police at 3.25 pm today asking for the return of our property that they have seized and kept for 4 months now at considerable inconvenience to us but have not had a return of call Thanks. Shantanu'.
John's reply came at 17.16 hours wirh the words 'I understand'
There were no other communications from John or from Kent Police through the rest of the evening and I do not have John's email address so far. So I do not know which Solicitor Firm is dealing with the attached email that I have just received seemingly anonymously pretending that I have sent it from a dizum.com account which I deny: FrShantanuPanigrahi(CAEDizum)22Mar2022.docx. It is a decoy to find a scape goat when the evidence is quite clear that a secretive State Establishment has organised the 24 years of religious persecution on me.
I checked my Santander Bank Account to find out whether Slater and Gordon has refunded my £150 paid on Account for legal advice but it has not so far appeared in the Statement of Account.
Kindly let me know North Ford Solicitors review of this matter so that progress can be made towards identifying the correct course of action from you.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
United Kingdom
Tel 07967789619
Download all attachments as a zip file
CAREPLANDrOdesanya13September2021.pdf 3.5MB
MedCertDrMawanche29Nov2021b.pdf 1.4MB
S_PanigrahiDiagnosiTreatmentbyDrLatif16Feb2022.pdf 1.5MB